Monday, April 14, 2014

Ultherapy in Orange county

Ultherapy in Newport Beach Medspa A Noninvasive facelift and  Skin Rejuvenation treatment that uses ultrasound to lift and tighten skin without downtime in Orange County.

When patients initially come to Newport Beach MedSpa , a common request we always get  is, “I want to look younger, but Im afraid of plastic surgery”.Ultherapy is the way to go!
 Ultherapy will tone your loose or wrinkled skin by using the body’s own healing response. Ulthera will tighten the neck and lift a sagging brow, for example, which in turn reduces the excess eyelid skin, giving the eyes a more refreshed appearance

If you want to improve the appearance of fine lines and sagging skin without going under the knife, Ultherapy is a great choice. It’s also a terrific preventative treatment to sustain collagen growth and care for your skin before wrinkles become a burden. A full face and neck treatment costs around $3,000 while just the brow area alone can be closer to $350. Compared to a facelift either now or in the future, we think it's a great investment.

Newport Beach MedSpa Ultherapy Treatment   

What is a Ultherapy treatment?

Think of it as a facelift minus the knife. Ultherapy is a non-invasive procedure that battles aging collagen by using concentrated heat from a smooth ultrasound applicator to stimulate new collagen growth. While lasers are typically used to address skin’s texture, pigment changes, broken capillaries and acne scars, this ultrasound treatment goes to a deeper layer to address collagen-related issues.

What does it do?

This surgery-free treatment is a lowered eyebrow line or sagging eyelid’s worst nightmare. It tackles moderate skin laxity with concentrated ultrasound energy deposited below the skin (penetrating deeper than its laser-based treatment counterparts) and goes just deep enough to stimulate the layer that produces new collagen.

It addresses the same layer of skin otherwise treated in cosmetic surgery, that lifts and supports the skin, controlling the tension and the skin's smooth, youthful appearance. While it could be credited for some mild improvements to the skin tone or sun damage, that’s not the goal. Rather, it’s best used for tightening and improving the skin’s volume.

Does it hurt?

In a nutshell, yes, it hurts. This isn’t one of those spa-like treatments where you lay back and observe the light tingling sensation while you remind yourself “that means it’s working!” The discomfort I felt was during each "zap" as the heat waves were sent below the skin. The upside, however, is that the discomfort was temporary and subsided right away. I experienced some slight redness during the treatment and just a couple of hours after, but it was nothing noticeable enough to keep me from meeting up with my girlfriends for dinner later that evening.
Comfort thresholds vary from patient to patient, so come prepared with a Motrin 800 milligram if your doctor isn’t as kind as mine to offer a menu of pain management prescriptions.

How does it work?
The Ultherapy ultrasound treatment works its magic by delivering low levels of heat below the skin’s surface to stimulate new collagen growth. A full face and neck treatment lasts about an hour and a half, whereas a partial face or brow lift can be done in just 30 minutes.
Patients like me might notice results right away with some lifting above the brow and tightness around the jaw line. However, this is one treatment that continues to improve over time. Practitioners advise that lifting and toning will continue up to 90 days after the treatment as collagen continues to regenerate.
Be sure to check out where you can see more before and after photos, read testimonials and find a clinic near you.
Warning: If you’ve had injectables or fillers, proceed with caution. The ultrasound treatment can break down those proteins and undo all the work you’ve invested in.

The first step towards a beautiful, healthy look is to schedule a Complimentary Consultation appointment.

2131 Westcliff Drive #110 Newport Beach, CA 92660
Phone: (949)-631-2800 | Fax: (949) 631-2808

4341 Birch Street Suite 101 Newport Beach, CA 92660
Phone: (949) 756-8633 | Fax: (949) 756-8634

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

 Newport Beach MedSpa FAQs for Website | 1
©Ulthera 20141000790B

Ultherapy Frequently Asked Questions
Pick and choose the questions to feature on the Ultherapy page of your website. It is
recommended to feature five to ten questions beneath your Ultherapy introductory copy
(copy options available on the Customer Portal).

Main Questions/Answers:
What is Ultherapy?
Ultherapy is the only non-invasive treatment approved by the FDA for lifting the skin on the
neck, chin and brow. Ultherapy uses focused ultrasound to lift and tighten loose skin over
time, without any downtime.

How is Ultherapy different from other cosmetic procedures?
Ultherapy is the only non-surgical cosmetic procedure that uses focused ultrasound to
stimulate the growth of new collagen deep within the skin. The production of new collagen
occurs over time, so results can become more apparent over three to six months. The
procedure takes only about an hour for most patients, and there is no downtime.

It also is the only procedure to use ultrasound imaging, which allows us to actually see the
layers of tissue we target during the treatment and ensure the energy is deposited precisely
to where it will be most effective.

Does it hurt?
A recent software upgrade called “Ultherapy Amplify” now affords a more comfortable
procedure. While comfort thresholds vary from patient to patient, most patients now report
that the procedure is quite tolerable. If and when any discomfort does occur, it happens
while the ultrasound energy is being delivered. This sensation is temporary and is a positive
signal that the collagen-building process has been initiated.

We take measures to make the experience as pleasant as possible [customize based on
your practice’s comfort management protocol (e.g. premedication, cooling fans)], and
patients tell us they leave comfortable and excited about the benefits to come.

How long does it last?
Patients treated with Ultherapy still have fresh young collagen after a year’s time following
the procedure, but skin continues to age. Future touch-up treatments can help keep pace
with the aging process, which varies by individual.

Are there any side effects?
There may be slight redness for up to an hour or so following the treatment, and a small
percentage of patients may have slight swelling, tingling or tenderness to touch, but these
are mild and temporary in nature.

How much does it cost?
Patients can expect to pay between $1000 and $5000, depending upon the areas being
treated. Of course, the cost of Ultherapy can vary depending on geographic location and
physician practice [customize depending on your practice’s pricing]. Ultherapy meets the
demand for something between skin creams and surgery.

 Newport Beach MedSpa FAQs for Website | 2
©Ulthera 2013 1000790B

Additional Questions/Answers:
Is Ultherapy safe?
The procedure has been cleared by the FDA after demonstrating safety in clinical studies,
and over 100,000 treatments have been performed safely worldwide. In addition,
ultrasound energy has a proven track record, with use in the field of medicine for more than
50 years.

How many treatments does it take?
The majority of patients only need one treatment; however, some may benefit from more
than one treatment depending on how much laxity they have and their body’s own
biological response to the ultrasound and the collagen-building process.

Who is a good candidate for Ultherapy?
A good candidate for Ultherapy is someone with skin that has some degree of laxity, to the
point of looking, and often feeling, less firm. A lowered eyebrow line or sagging skin on the
eyelids, for instance, is often the first sign of "maturing" skin. Loose skin under the neck
and under the chin signals a patient might be a candidate. Typically, those in their thirties
and older who have mild to moderate skin laxity are candidates.

While Ultherapy is not a replacement for a surgical face lift, there are many people who
want some lifting but are not ready for surgery, either mentally, physically or financially.
There also are younger people who want to “stay ahead of the game” as well as those
looking to prolong the effects of cosmetic surgery.

What about treating anatomical regions other than the face?
Currently, Ultherapy is a treatment for the face and neck with a specific clinical indication
for lifting the skin on the neck, chin and brow.

What does collagen do? How does Ultherapy stimulate the creation of collagen?
Collagen is a natural protein that gives skin its youthfulness by keeping it firmed and toned.
As we age, collagen loses its strength and its ability to stand up to the effects of gravity that
pull the skin downward. Ultherapy uses focused ultrasound to generate a thermal affect
under the skin. The thermal affect essentially jumpstarts a repair process that strengthens
existing collagen and produces fresh, new collagen.

Can men have it done?
Yes! Both women and men globally are receiving Ultherapy.

Where can I get it?
Ultherapy is offered by physicians with expertise in facial cosmetic procedures.Newport Beach MedSpa locations are:

2131 Westcliff Drive #110 Newport Beach, CA 92660

Phone: (949)-631-2800 | Fax: (949) 631-2808

4341 Birch Street Suite 101 Newport Beach, CA 92660
Phone: (949) 756-8633 | Fax: (949) 756-8634


The Ultimate Ultherapy Experience

Day 1: The Procedure

My name is Jeanmarie and I’m going to share my Ultherapy ® experience with anyone who is interested or curious about this new (FDA approved in 2009) dermatolological facial treatment.
Ulthera, Inc. has developed a non-invasive device that uses focused ultrasound energy to lift the skin on the face and neck. The Ultherapy ® hand piece heats the underlying tissue of the skin, in effect burning the tissue, which sets the bodies natural reaction to heal in motion. Your own collagen comes to the rescue, laying down layers which tighten those lower layers of tissue without any visible surface damage.
As a 51 year old wife and mother of 3, I want to look my best. I’m not talking 28! I know that the natural aging process has caused sagging skin which just makes me look tired all the time.
Okay, I’ll admit that when Dermatology Consultants first considered offering this treatment they called me in to be a ‘guinea pig’. Dr. ParĂ© knows that I am game for anything new that helps us with our looks (Okay, I am vain) and that I have a pretty high tolerance for pain. It hurt!
Fast forward to September 2011….
The Ultratherapy ® machine is in place and I am ready to go! Since topical anesthesia won’t work (ultrasound is traveling too far below the surface) I am given a low dose of Zanax and a Tylenol 3.
Michelle, my trained Ultherapy ® Technician, makes me comfortable on the reclined bed and gets to work.
The hand piece looks very similar to any other applicator they use on us at Dermatology Consultants. Michelle started on my neck. The machine beeps and I feel a burning jolt in the area where the wand is touching. It’s not comfortable but not unbearable…it’s much less painful than it was when I was a tester with no medications. She explains that she’ll be making two “passes” with the wand. The first pass goes very deep and the second pass is at a slightly higher skin level. The second pass is less uncomfortable than the first pass.
We spend an hour together, first on the neck area, then the lower face, then the forehead and a little around the eyes. In all, there were some 300+ passes to my face and neck. I know that sounds like a lot, but it honestly didn’t seem like THAT many. However, I’m very glad it’s over!
Climbing off the table, I go to the mirror and I am looking better already! Really! Okay, I think that is just because there is a little underlying swelling that is plumping up my skin. I’ll take it.
I go about my day. No one notices a thing….
I’m completely amazed that I’ve just gone through a totally non-invasive, facial lifting treatment, that requires No Down Time! I have no bruises, no nothing!

Day 2

I would have completely forgotten about my Ulthera treatment but the skin on my neck is numb! It feels a little tender. I don’t feel anything good or bad on the rest of my face. All in all everything is fine post procedue. Michelle told me everything I need to know so there were no suprises. Now time to wait for the 90 days to pass.

Day 7

It’s been a week since treatment and I feel some tenderness around my neck and jaw line. A couple of days ago I had tender spots around my eyes. I looked in the mirror because it kind of feels like you might see a bruise but there is nothing visible. Occasionally I feel little twinges in my face. I think it’s just those lower layers healing.
I think I look pretty good! I know that the real results take time. The body should be laying down collagen for a good 3 to 4 months. I’m so excited! I’m very hopeful that you’ll be seeing some better looking pictures of me. Lordy, they’ll have to be. YIKES!!

Day 30

It’s been 4 weeks since Ulthera, and I have to say that I think I look better. I can see a subtle difference in my cheeks and neck. I went to NY for a 50th birthday party and had a few close girlfriends ask me what I was “using” on my face. I don’t think my moisturizer prompted that question!
I’m going in to see our dear friend, Dr. ParĂ©. The latest studies have suggested that fillers are a very effective accompaniment with Ulthera if injected during the healing process. As I should be halfway healed, now is the time! I’ll let you know….

Final Update!

It’s been several months since I completed Ulthera and I have to say that I’ve been VERY HAPPY with the results. Honestly, the changes are so gradual that you really don’t notice them much yourself, but boy do your friends notice! I’ve been asked repeatedly, “What are you using on your skin?”, “Your skin looks great!”. Please don’t be put off by my beautiful before and after pictures. Keep in mind that these pics are taken with NO makeup and in clinical light. Honestly, I look better in person…I promise.
I think one of the greatest benefits of Ultherapy is the total lack of downtime. The most inconvenience was the drive to the office and the discomfort during the procedure. I’ll take that any day to the cost and inconvenience of traditional surgery.
If any of you are having any doubts, call me!
We want to thank Jeanmarie for blogging for us on her experience with Ultherapy! We hope reading about her journey will help give our patients better insight to what this procedure is all about. Below are some before and after photos to show you what Ultherapy can do for you!